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How to pray and keep the family together

What is a sentence?

A prayer is a sacred relationship shared with Almighty God. It is an invisible contact built by meditation and the total surrender of oneself. In a prayer we place our pains, tears and needs before God. We believe in Him. Prayers give us comfort.

Through a prayer we express our gratitude for the blessings we have obtained. Prayer is also a time when we put our innermost struggles, heartaches, and anxieties before God and feel better.

The more we pray, the more we learn to forgive, respect, love, trust and sincerely share moments of pain and happiness with each other.

A family that prays together thrives together!

types of prayer

  • Family Prayer: Family prayers are prayers that are done regularly in a family. Family members are the main participants. Guests, neighbors or house workers can also be part of it. A family prayer is usually led by the oldest member of the family. The ideal is to observe and maintain it twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night. You can include a reading from the Bible or any other holy book and explain or discuss. You can include the regular prayers and songs. A family prayer is neither too long nor too short. A prayer offering for the togetherness and well-being of each family member brings love into hearts. Thanksgiving or any special prayers can also be included in family prayers. Prayer time is a sacred time and should be routinely recognized by all family members. A family prayer helps all members to stay together through the difficult and trying times of life. It makes forgiving and tolerating each other easier. It teaches love and helps to be in harmony with each other. It has the power to slowly but steadily rejuvenate a broken relationship.
  • Personal Prayer – A personal prayer is defined as a personal contact or communication with God. This is the most sacred time shared with God. It is a time when one can get rid of all worries and relax for a while. It is a unique moment of solitude and meditation in which the touch of God and his power are experienced up close. This wonderful time spent with God strengthens a person’s potential and fills him with the confidence to enthusiastically face the real struggles of life. A personal prayer is usually done twice a day and any time a person wants to whisper a few words to God, the Almighty Father. It includes prayer for daily needs, a plea to God for companionship, prayer for family members, strength to forgive near and dear ones, petition to put a broken relationship back together. End with thanksgiving for a wonderful life, an amazing family, and all the blessings received.
  • Fasting Prayer: A fasting prayer is usually done at times of illness, pain, and to overcome life’s struggles. It is commonly performed during the “Lent” season, a period of fasting and abstinence. It is important to do fasting prayers in the Lenten season. Helps build a strong connection with God. Lent is a sacred time in which every Christian should try to spend quality time with God every day. It is a good idea to follow a vegetarian diet during this season. Fasting prayers made with sincere repentance have a magical effect and can help heartbroken people find peace and solace. It can include regular prayers and Bible readings. It can also be observed in families with older people as protagonists. Fasting prayers spread peace and coordination among family members. It enhances the spiritual quality of each member.

Sincere prayer offerings from the bottom of the heart, for strength, grace and health are very effective and are always answered. Miracles happen, maturity and understanding play a vital role in preventing precious relationships from ruining, despair melting away. Prayers unite families in love and produce spiritually alert and loving members.

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