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Psychic Development – Entering a Psychic Trance

We are all capable of entering a trance state. In fact, we do it all the time. When the conscious mind experiences an interruption, it enters a trance state. When you are in a trance, objective thinking becomes difficult. To some extent, the unconscious mind has taken over. The unconscious mind is the gateway to the spiritual plane. Trance states allow the ego to shut down temporarily. The mind’s thought process slows down and free association is readily available.

Free association is the process of letting your thoughts wander without trying to control the process and our outcome. This is what the author, William James, referred to as a “stream of consciousness.” This experience can occur spontaneously or through the power of suggestion such as hypnosis. Once the trance state has been reached, people can learn to identify messages from other realms.

There are basically two ways to enter a psychic trance. One of the most common is that it is also activated by external stimuli. In this case, psychic trances are generated from specific places, objects and people. This type of trance is usually spontaneous and can surprise someone. Most people have developed defenses or mental blocks that serve as a barrier to the psychic material received through this process. In this case, the individual assumes that they are having difficulty concentrating or are simply feeling a bit disoriented. The other was to access the psychic trance is by internal stimuli. In this case, the internal stimuli would be one’s own internal feelings and thoughts. This type of psychic experience is known as clairsentence.

Clairsentient psychics receive their psychic information through their feelings or through touch. Going into a psychic trance can be achieved through hypnosis, meditation, or automatic writing. For the beginner, the easiest method is through mediation techniques or self-induced hypnosis. One of the most successful approaches is to work with the Third Eye. The Third Eye is actually a chakra. Chakras are energy centers located throughout your body. In this case, the Third Eye chakra is located between your eyebrows in the center of your forehead. The third eye chakra interacts with the ability to visualize and process information. It also allows an individual to touch and experience the spirit realm. This is the chakra of awareness and intuition. Below is a simple meditation method that increases your psychic awareness and your ability to enter trance states. Before you commit to attempting a psychic trance, be sure to center yourself. There is a wealth of information available for centering techniques. Check out my other articles on centering meditations.


A. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit cross-legged. You can also sit against a wall or in a chair. Make sure your back is straight.

b. Close your eyes and slow down your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale through the mouth.

Against Tuck your chin down toward your chest. Imagine that your chest pulls your chin towards it.

d. Keep breathing deeply. With each breath, imagine your body becoming more and more relaxed.

my. Keeping your eyes closed, look into your third eye. This is the area in the center of the forehead. If you wish, you can visualize the Third Eye chakra as a real eye. See it open. You should feel like you are looking up, but your eyes should remain closed.

F. Continue to breathe and relax your eyes as they “look up.” He can notice changes in her body and mind. This is good. This is the beginning of the psychic trance.

gram. Try to hold this for a few minutes. If your mind starts to wander, that’s okay. If you lose focus, start the process over. When this meditation is practiced every day, it will eventually become easier for you to enter the meditative state.

With daily practice, your Third Eye Chakra will begin to open. Slowly you will begin to experience new levels of awareness. You may start to notice little things that you might have missed before, or discover a new awareness of details. Ultimately, your sixth sense will be strengthened and access to psychic material will come naturally.

For more information on psychic reading, please visit our website.

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