admin Posted on 10:54 pm

Quartz crystal pyramids

A few months ago a friend put me in touch with Dieter Schrade, a craftsman from Germany. Dieter creates quartz crystal pyramids. When I mentioned this to a friend, their response was “what is that?” He was very intrigued when I explained it to him, I hope you have the same reaction.

What is a quartz crystal pyramid?

A quartz crystal pyramid has healing qualities and characteristics similar to glass bowls and gongs, but with a different harmony and feel. It has that high vibration, the feeling of crystalline light that you get from a crystal singing bowl.

The largest pyramids have a robust vibration that you would get from a gong. The smaller pyramids sound similar to a weightless tuning fork, tingsha, or 5 “Tibetan bowl. Each pyramid is handcrafted from pure quartz crystal.

The dimensions of each pyramid are scaled to the same dimensions as the pyramids of Cheops in Egypt. They have an eye on the top and come with a leather tie so you can easily hold or hang the pyramid.

Who can use the glass pyramid?

One of the best things about Crystal Pyramid is that all you need to do is play. There is no special training, methodology or technique to use them. Just touch, listen and feel. With the larger pyramids, you can create two different shades, one touching the base and a different shade touching the sides. The tones can last up to a minute or more. The people who will really like the pyramids are sound therapists and energy healers who work with groups and individuals and those who work with spiritual awareness or who feel a connection to the pyramids. They are also very good for cleaning rooms and large areas, for cleaning chakras, and for anyone who works with mantras or chants. I think musicians will have a lot of fun with these too.

Pyramids come in many different sizes, with the most popular being 14 “, 8”, 5 “and 3”.

Choose size

You would choose the size of the bowl in the same way that you would select a Tibetan bowl or a gong. If you like deeper shades, select a larger pyramid. If you like higher tones, choose the smallest pyramid.

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