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Robotics: a look at the technology of the future

What do you know about the future of robotics? Well, we can’t say anything for sure as technology is evolving at a fast pace in all areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning. However, one thing is obvious that robots will also have a great role in the life of a common man, not to mention that they will also be used in industries.

A research firm made 10 predictions for robotics that we are going to talk about in this article. The list has some really interesting forecasts that can have a huge impact on our society and business.

Robots and the future of surgery

Today, surgeons use robotics in their surgical operations. In fact, technological development in AI, navigation, computer vision, MEMS sensor and other technologies have constantly improved robots.

In addition, robotics will speed up the innovation process, thus altering and changing the paradigm of future business operations. Furthermore, robotics can sharpen a company’s competitive advantage by improving quality and increasing productivity. Below are some predictions to help you glimpse the future of robotics.

1. Growth of robotics

In 2019, around 30% of the use of robotics in industries will be in the form of a RaaS business model. This will help companies reduce the cost of robot implementation.

2. Robotics Officer

In 2019, around 30% of the world’s top organizations will use a robot director to improve their business.

3. Evolving competition

In 2020, large organizations will be able to choose from different vendors with the entry of new players in the multi-billion dollar information and communications industry to increase the deployment of robotics.

4. Talent Race

In 2020, the growth of robots will boost the talent race. As a result, around 35% of robotics-related jobs will be vacant and the median salary will increase by at least 60%.

5. Regulation

In 2019, governments will introduce new robot-related regulations to preserve jobs and solve privacy and security issues.

6. Software-defined robots

By 2020, about 60% of these machines will rely on cloud-based applications to introduce new skills, applications, and cognitive capabilities. As a result, the world will see a cloud-based robotics market.

7. Collaborative robots

In 2018, around 30% of robots will be intelligent collaborative machines that will be 300% faster than today’s robots. In addition, they will work safely with humans.


By 2020, around 40% of commercially available robots will be part of a shared intelligence network. As a result, the overall operating efficiency of the robots will increase by 200%.

9. Automation of operations

Within two years, around 35% of large organizations such as healthcare, logistics and utilities will be using robots to automate operations.

10. Electronic commerce

By 2018, around 45% of the leading international e-commerce companies will use robots in their fulfillment warehousing and delivery operations.

So hopefully this will give you a pretty good idea of ​​how robotics will shape the world a few years from now.

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