admin Posted on 1:14 am

Stop Texting Him With This And You’ll Stand Out

The only piece of advice I have that will make you stand out is to stop using the abbreviation “lol” or laugh out loud when texting guys. I know some guys who, when texting guys, put this at the end of almost every sentence. Guys are visual, need I say more? Do you really want me to imagine you laughing all the time? I mean, a sense of humor is good, but too much of a good thing can kill your enthusiasm.

There are other reasons why you should use “lol” sparingly. It can make you seem insecure. I mean, don’t you trust yourself enough to know that he knows when something is funny? Do you have to spell out the obvious? I know guys who put this at the end of every text. I wonder if we were talking in person, would he really laugh at the end of each sentence? If he did, he would conclude that something was wrong with him. I know if something is funny and I hope he does too.

Our texts send subliminal messages, whether we are aware of it or not. All women use this “lol” when texting guys. You’d stand out if you didn’t wear it. He won’t notice it on a conscious level, but you can bet he’ll feel something different about you. Try replacing “lol” with something more creative like a simple “that was fun.” It’s more personal and things like this make you stand out. It makes you feel good. If it feels good, it feels connected to you. To increase attraction when texting guys, you need to make him feel connected.

When texting guys, be confident, don’t use typical crutches like “lol” to fill in the blank. There’s no need. A “lol” when texting guys is a great tool to end a conversation. You should end the conversations first. They leave you wanting more tricks. Have you ever just received a “lol” in a text message and nothing else? It’s hard to answer that. It’s like a point, the end. I’m done for now, but I’m still being polite.

All women use the “lol”. It requires no effort or anything special. Many have it in their drafts as a pre-written message. Be different, use it sparingly, and don’t clutter up or contaminate every text to a guy with a “lol” at the end of the sentence. You want him to see your text, not see you as a giggly teenager.

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