admin Posted on 7:24 am

What to sell online: 3 infallible products / services that generate big profits through the Internet

The most important thing to appreciate with “the Internet” is that, in the end, it is people who are looking at things.

These people are not cattle, sheep, or lemmings. They have aspirations, ideas and experiences of their own. They are using the Internet to connect with people of exceptional quality or experience. This is the true value of “online”.

The problem people have is that when it comes to considering how to “make money” from this, they will end up falling into the trap of hyperbole and rumors; using any kind of “trick” to extract as much money as possible from people.

While there is nothing wrong with promoting things, the truth is that people buy quality.

The higher the quality of your products, services or ideas, the more people will want to interact with them. This means that if you are trying to become an online provider, you need to consider * what * it is actually offering and how it will work.

The way this works is very simple. There are TWO things that people buy on the “Internet”: products and services …

  • Products they are obviously “physical” widgets that are typically delivered via local delivery service within a country (courier, state-operated mail, or local delivery).
  • Services They are typically provided for various “expert” level practices such as “copywriting”, “digital marketing”. “software development”, etc. While the services are highly profitable, they are entirely dependent on the type of service provided and the underlying “value” it provides to the buyer.

All of this means that the first step in becoming an online “provider” is to initially analyze whether you are willing to offer a “product” or a “service.”

The secret here is that in BOTH cases, people are * really * buying a “secret sauce” that you have created or found. For example, with products – it could be that they are part of a broader appeal (“natural acne cure”) – in the case of services, it could mean that you have some kind of hidden knowledge that not many people are in favor of. .

To add to this, the “real” trick to selling online is SELLING THE SECRET (not the product). Most people make the mistake of selling “copywriting services,” which hardly anyone actually wants. Instead, the best people “frame” this service as something the end user can use in their day-to-day business … “Amazon Ad Writing – Get your products listed and sold on Amazon today …”

It’s also important to understand that “online” success, where competition is fierce, is basically determined by how well you can present an offer to your audience. In other words … sell YOURSELF. Instead of offering a particular product, explain your service and how you’ve been in business for X years, etc.

“Buy New Vango Store – £ 39.99”


“Buy a new Vango store – £ 39.99 (next day delivery, 20+ business years, IMMEDIATE shipping, 24/7 customer service)”

Regardless of this, without understanding how to offer products / services that people will actually buy is useless.

There are 3 products that * always * work well online …

  1. Creative services (design, marketing, copywriting)

    Places like Fiverr and UpWork are FULL of people with cash waiting to give you money in exchange for creative LUCID work. If you have experience with Photoshop, 3D modeling, digital marketing, or copywriting, you will usually find a large audience waiting to try your services. However, the fact that there is a high demand does not make it easy. These people want RESULTS and they expect you to deliver them. If you’re going to offer creative services, the best thing to do is do some “free” work to develop your portfolio. After you’ve done a little free, start listing your “naked” services on companies like Fiverr and see if someone bites. Don’t be afraid to offer a SUPER LOW price ($ 5 or so, just to get some traction). Once you have a bit of a boost from this, you’ll need to start looking for a “killer angle” that you can take advantage of. An example of this is the copywriting agency SPXMAC on Fiverr; They started writing articles and quickly moved on to writing “Amazon Listing”, which now receives more than 30 orders per day.

  2. Technical support / Innovation services + Products

    While you could frame this as “software”, it is more than that. If you have ANY kind of technical skill, be it with programming, systems administration, etc., you will find a HUGE number of people who want their websites / web applications / servers / ecommerce stores to be solved. Now there are usually TWO kinds of ways this works … First of all, you have a group of people who just need the technical expertise (“fix my WordPress site” or something else). These will pay the market rate for their websites to function properly. They will generally respond best to “HIGH CONVERSION” designs (this increases sales). If you work with a lot of people like that, the ONLY thing they really need is traffic. If you can offer them “traffic builder” services, you will usually do quite well. Second, you will have people who just want to grow their online presence. They may have latched onto some tool like WordPress, ClickFunnels or something; The point is, they will usually be very interested in getting the most out of your system. If you’re interested in getting more out of these purchases, create the opportunity for them to expand your sales funnel with MARKETING AUTOMATION and other product-centric services.

  3. Popular products (offered at a discount)

    Lastly, while offering “discounts” is NEVER something you really want to do, dealing with popular products is. Especially with the proliferation of eCommerce outlets (Amazon etc) now offering HUGE opportunities to smaller businesses, there are * so many * opportunities to make money by offering products that people are already looking for. Now remember this doesn’t mean you can just hide behind the products – the SAME “rule of thumb” applies here as it does with the other things … people are buying you (not your products etc). To this end, there are TWO ways to offer “popular” products and make substantial profits … either by offering the products themselves (e-commerce) or by offering REVIEWS of the products. From an e-commerce perspective, the big mistake people make here is that they simply list products and prices. They have NO differentiation, and therefore end up competing with Amazon (NEVER a battle that you are going to win). The best “ecommerce” sites are powered by influencers (which means that you actually * do * something with the products you’re offering). For example, let’s say you offer custom suits and sell various fabrics and the tailoring services that go with them. There is very little differentiation you can make in the products themselves … but with the way they are used (EXCLUSIVE events / networks), things are starting to get interesting. By focusing your energies on creating the most lucid, exclusive, and PROFITABLE events possible, you automatically create demand for your custom suits / shirts, etc. By virtue of being an “influencer”, you can grow an ecommerce business from all of this. In addition to this, you * may * want to see the “REVIEWS” experiences as well. These are websites / apps that cover, in depth, all the “best” products in a market. Now, it used to be the case that you could launch a faceless review site and have it generate commissions from Google rankings. No longer, social media has become a massive element of the review marketing mix. If you are prepared to invest in becoming an “influencer” in a particular field, you can review products effectively and receive a commission for their sale through the largest stores. This gives you the ability to take full advantage of demand without the need to actively compete with companies like Amazon, etc.

While these usually work well, it’s very important to understand that buyers ultimately want to connect with exceptional people. Offering “worldly” services is not going to be enough, and this is why most people who start “online” businesses (usually like e-commerce, etc.) fail. .

In the modern world, where 12-year-olds have access to the same tools, audiences, and resources as you, it is very important to differentiate yourself.

* HOW * you do this determines exactly the type of buyer who will show up with their credit cards. The mindset you really must adopt is one of humble service; Treat every purchase / project as an opportunity for more profit and advancement; Always look for new services / products to offer and NEVER “sell” the product itself. In any case, sell yourself …

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