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wooden toy chests

Wooden toy chests can not only be a delight for your child, but also serve a valuable function. Toy chests not only add to the decor of the room, but they keep all of your child’s play items out of the way, adding more space to the room. They can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, from regular blocky styles to products that look like pirate chests, fire trucks, or even a circus animal cage, just to name a few. There are chests that work well for both boys and girls. Chests for girls can have light pastel colors and designs, such as cats, castles, and even horses.

When it comes to wooden toy boxes, there are a few things to keep in mind. One of them is security. The toy chests you consider should be made of high-quality materials, such as hardwood. The chest itself must also be made securely and not on wheels. The finish should be a non-toxic paint or stain and have a clear finish for easy cleaning.

There are also other safety features to consider when shopping for wooden toy chests. Hinges should be a one piece piano hinge, with no sharp edges. They must be resistant to last a long time. Lids should have a gap between where the lid meets the top of the toy chest so that if the lid closes unexpectedly, it won’t crush your child’s fingers. There should never be a latch on the lid, because if your child comes in to play, the lid closes and cannot be opened, your child could suffocate. All edges of the entire toy box should also have rounded edges.

Another consideration when it comes to wooden toy chests is size. Just because your child is young now, without many toys, doesn’t mean he won’t have more as he gets older. Toy boxes should have enough spaces for later so you don’t have to keep buying them as your child’s needs grow. While there are many different styles of chests, you may want to consider one that doubles as a seat. These types of chests serve a dual purpose and can be more profitable.

Here are some wooden toy boxes to choose from. For girls there is the cloud back toy chest, this is a large bench style chest with a raised back in the shape of a billowing cloud. It’s a really good starting size at 29″ long and 15″ tall and deep. It features a handcrafted solid wood construction. It also features a safety cap that won’t pinch your child’s finger. This product is available in pink or white and retails for $195.

Another toy chest offering is the Dumptruck toy chest. What better place to put your toys than in a real dump truck? It is mounted on wheels so it can be moved around the room and is available in red, yellow and blue. The whole thing measures 36″x17″x19.5″, with a usable area of ​​15″x13″x21″ at the midpoint of the box. This is also handcrafted from hardwood. This product also sells for $195.

While you may think some of these wooden toy chests are a bit pricey, consider their durable construction. This means that they will last your child’s lifetime and can be passed on to your children in the future. As with all the products you buy, you should look for the best prices, as well as the safety features of the toy chests.

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