admin Posted on 5:18 pm

Writing resumes: the impacts of an unprofessional email address

Everyone who writes resumes and emails or lists the email address on your resume, listen up! It’s time we all got serious about the directions you provide when writing resumes.

The email you provide on your resume could leave your inbox empty of potential employers. If you want your job application and resume to be taken seriously, please seriously consider the email address you include or from which you apply.

Addresses like xboxchamp@ or rockbabe@ could have been cute and cool in high school or college. However, they are not appropriate to use when you want to be taken seriously in the workplace.

Let me give you an example, imagine I am a recruiting officer and I am sitting at my computer when I receive an email from an address that says xboxchamp@ Even before opening the email, I am judging its sender and the content.

Now I know this sounds harsh, however this is a harsh reality, your application will be judged this way before it is even read. Being judged negatively or immaturely is not what anyone wants when applying for a position, which is why it is so important when writing resumes that you make sure to provide and submit your applications from a professional email address.

When selecting a professional email address, you should aim for something that identifies you as a person, for example, bobsmith@. If your name is not available, try variations of your name, such as your first initial and last name, for example bsmith@, or try putting a hyphen or underscore, such as b_smith@ or bob_smith@, if it is an email address familiar, your last name, for example. familiessmith@.

If you have your own business and are using a resume with submissions for bid requests for subcontract work, again you need to steer clear of those immature and unprofessional email addresses. Like larger companies and corporate looking higher, they will look at your email addresses and if you are not professional, they will wonder how serious you are about your job and the bid you are applying for.

As a business person, you can get an email address that uses your name, as suggested above, or you can use your company name or even think of email addresses like info@ or admin@ to help to raise the level of perceived professionalism. .

You can get many free email addresses from Yahoo, Google, MSN, and some Internet providers may provide you with more than one email address with your Internet package. You can configure your Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express to collect emails from your different addresses to minimize the time of having to go through all of them individually.

I hope this article has helped you and encourages you to go and attend to the email you are using when writing resumes.

Good luck with your resumes.

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