admin Posted on 6:49 am

7 web design mistakes to avoid

If you want to launch your business website, we suggest you avoid the 7 common web design mistakes. It is important to avoid these errors as they will ruin your website and have a negative impact on the user experience. Let’s look at those errors.

The menu system is complicated

If consumers find it difficult to find the product they want on your website, they will get upset. According to the most recent reports, users spend no more than 4 seconds on a website to find what they want.

During this brief period, if they can’t get what they want, they’ll click and walk away. Therefore, your website should be able to provide information about desired products based on model, color, and size.

navigation is poor

Poor navigation is another common web design mistake. For visitors, browsing your site should be smooth or they may get frustrated and click away. Therefore, navigation should be as easy as possible.

Web pages take ages to load

Ideally, your site should take no more than 2-3 seconds to load. If it takes longer, you’ll expect a reduction in traffic. Many factors have an impact on page load times, such as the content of each page, the hosting server, and Internet speed, to name a few.

Among these factors, the design of your website is the most important. Apart from this, you need to make sure that the landing page loads faster than other pages. The reason is that Google indexes the landing page.

The registration form or page is not attractive

The registration page or form is also important. If it’s not attractive, most users won’t bother to sign up. This page should be easy to find. If possible, you may want to allow users to sign up using their social media accounts like Instagram, Facebook, and Gmail.

Videos or audios play automatically

Although you can upload audio and video to your site, make sure they don’t play automatically. In other words, the video should play only when a user presses the play button. How can you predict if the user wants to hear the audio or not?

The website is not suitable for mobile devices

First, you need to understand the difference between a mobile-optimized layout and a mobile-optimized layout. If the layout is mobile-friendly, your site will work the same way regardless of device type.

On the other hand, a mobile-friendly layout optimizes images and corrects spacing. A mobile-optimized layout is best for better search engine rankings.

Poor SEO techniques are being used

If you are using improper SEO techniques, you are making a serious mistake. Good SEO is important if you want your website to be indexed in search engines for organic traffic. Therefore, make sure that your website uses good SEO techniques.


In short, the design of your website is important if you are looking to increase traffic and gain more and more buyers through your site. Therefore, we suggest that you avoid these errors no matter what. I hope this helps.

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