admin Posted on 9:17 am

Lose weight and fast?

What is fasting really about?

Lent is upon us and I want to fast. I also want to lose weight. I think I’ll give up red meat or chocolate. Maybe I’ll give up meat on Fridays. I really want to fast this year. I’ll try the “Daniel Diet”. That sounds like a good biblical fast. But why? Why do I even want to fast? It seems like a lot of hard work and self-sacrifice. Fasting is not truly about losing weight or eating healthy for a short period of time. Many people think that fasting is giving up something that you like and that you know is not good for you. MMM. I know it’s not good for me, but I need a special occasion to put it down for a while. Is this how Christians are called to live? Is this the biblical purpose of fasting? In the Bible there are 3 main reasons for fasting:

1) Repent and seek God’s forgiveness
2) Seek God’s help
3) Seek a closer, committed and submissive relationship with God.

I want to seek a closer, more committed and submissive relationship with God. If you read the entire sixth chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew, you will notice 5 seemingly unrelated themes: Giving to the Needy, Prayer, Fasting, Treasures in Heaven and Don’t Worry. Although they seem unrelated, they are closing together. In Isaiah 58, God emphasizes that the fast he respects is caring for those in need. So when we read Jesus teaching his disciples the importance of giving to those in need and giving out of love so as not to impress other men, in essence Jesus is teaching an important principle of fasting.

Principle No. 1: Fasting is giving to those in need out of love and not out of ostentation.

Throughout the Bible we see that fasting is also associated with prayer. When Jonah went to Nineveh and preached his impending doom, the king tore his clothes, put on a coat, fasted, and prayed for the people to do the same. Before Esther approached the king to save her people, she asked Mordecai to join her in fasting and prayer for 3 days. So we see that Jesus teaches his disciples to pray effectively before teaching them about fasting.

Principle # 2: Effective prayer is necessary for an effective fast.

When we truly fast, we connect with God and take our prayer life to a higher level as we seek a closer relationship with Him. Even as we pray, Jesus taught us to begin by honoring and worshiping God. We begin by submitting to Him and we pray that His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our fast is to remove the self. Our fast is to deny ourselves. Our fast is to re-commit ourselves to God. Our fasting is about a direct relationship with God and has nothing to do with the people who sit next to us in church. We do not seek the approval of man. So Jesus says don’t be like hypocrites. Wash your face, fix your hair, and straighten your clothes so that it is not obvious that you are fasting.

Principle No. 3: This is just between you and God!

The things you do for God are between you and Him and only those things will last. Man’s approval is temporary. Earthly treasures will not last. A position of authority is temporary. Only the things you do for God will last. You cannot serve 2 masters. Fasting focuses your attention on God and His Will. Fasting helps us realize that God requires that we give him nothing. The main reason we deny ourselves is to put God first. Put God above all things. When you fast, remember the first commandment of God; “You can not have others gods in front of me”.

Principle # 4: Have no other gods before me.

Many times the concerns of the world make it difficult for us to truly seek God. We worry about rent, food, clothing, how our hair looks, etc. We care about our daily needs and this is understandable. As we grow in Christ, we find that worry hinders our growth. But cheer up. God is the creator and guardian of the earth. The land is yours and its fullness. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The Lord IS your Shepherd and in Him there is no fault. If she takes care of the birds and the flowers, how much more will she take care of you, her child? As we fast, as we seek a closer relationship with God, he wants us to be comforted and not worry. God wants us to seek His Kingdom and His Justice first and He will take care of all our needs. Seeking His Kingdom reflects that we build a closer relationship with God and submit to His Will. Seeking His justice goes back to how we treat our brothers and sisters. God says love him first and foremost and love one another as we love ourselves.

Principle # 5: Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

So true fasting is not about giving up something that we know is not good for us. True fasting is not about a special diet. A true fast is not about losing weight.

A true fast is seeking God’s forgiveness, God’s help, or God’s relationship.

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