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Sales Letter Strategies for New Digital Marketers

Let’s talk about creating a sales letter for your product. When you’re just starting out, you don’t know how to write a sales letter. If you’re just starting out, you don’t know how to create a product, but that’s actually very easy to do.

Creating a product is something I can teach in half an hour, 45 minutes. You literally just outline your product, turn on your mic, and start teaching from the schematic. And you have a product! However, learning how to write a good, compelling sales letter can take 3 months, 6 months, a year. Many people take 5 years before they get to the place where they can write a nice, compelling sales letter.

It’s years of doing the job. Learn to write the words. Learning what to write. Learning to write it. Obviously, if your background is in some other type of sales, copywriting will be much easier.

What I find the easiest thing for beginners when they are creating their initial products is to not try to write their own sales letter. Instead, use software.

One of the big central arguments here for people is: it won’t say exactly what I want it to say. It won’t tell you everything about my product. Sales letter software will be able to tell them anything you want. Because you can certainly customize the whole language. But one of the things I find beginner sales letter writers do is spend too much time telling everything about their product instead of all the other things a sales letter should do.

My experience has shown that your time is much better spent creating a product than learning how to copy and write your first month. Now, I want to be clear. If you’re going to make a full-time living in information marketing, or if you’re going to make more than a living full-time in information marketing, then at some point you need to learn how to write good copy. Now, I really believe that. Even if you’re going to outsource everything you do, I truly believe that you personally need to learn how to write good copy. Even if you’re not going to write most of your copy. If you know how to do it, then you can evaluate the copy that someone else does for you. You hire a copywriter to write copy for you, go read it. evaluate it You won’t be able to do that if you don’t know it. So in the long run I think you need to learn how to write copy.

Short term though, and that’s what it’s all about, because you want to get these products out fast. I think you should use software.

One way to find such software is to simply search for “Sales Letter Software” in the search engine of your choice. I don’t recommend doing that. Because there’s a LOT of software out there now, which is basically fill-in-the-blanks, headlines, and all the different sections, and in my experience it just uses standard sales phrases and you fill in a lot of your own. own stuff and I just don’t like the way a lot of that software looks.

So, I’m going to recommend a pair that I really believe in. And that’s Brett McFall’s sales letter software. I don’t have a link for you, you are literally looking for Brett McFall’s software.

Marlin Sanders has an excellent one. I have a client who used this and created a great sales letter.

Those are the two I recommend, there are certainly other good ones out there, but these are the two I have personally had experience with.

When I first started, I wrote a lot of copy that converted very well with Brett McFall’s software. I don’t think I’ve used the Marlin one, I may have the Marlin one, but I don’t know if I’ve ever used it. However, I have seen the work it produces because a client recently created a beautiful sales letter using that software. That is what I recommend.

Now for long-term, learning to write your own sales letters. I recommend going to copywriting masters. I really do. I recommend finding writing teachers and studying. I am not going to recommend any particular person here. I don’t think the best way to learn copywriting is to just study with one person. I really think you need to take several courses, study all the great sales letters out there, and practice writing copy, practice, practice, practice. Working all together. I don’t think there is a “one size fits all, learn in 90 days, how to write great sales letters that do a great job of persuasion” course.

This is a belief. That is my belief. There are two places where I have that belief. #1 is my own personal experience. #2 is watching other people as they go through their writing. The people who perform best. If you look at the great copywriters, a lot of them have studied in so many different places, so much trial and error. And, this is how they have done it.

So, in short, use the software to get started right now, today. Then learn to write your own copy by studying and practicing over time.

There is another type of sales page that has become very popular recently and that is the video sales page, and a lot of people are using the video sales page. They claim higher conversion rates with the video sales page. One thing that’s beautiful about a video sales page is that it doesn’t take that long to create. If you want to create something yourself. However, there is a formula that must be followed to make that happen. There are a few different people teaching that process now. I think Ryan Deiss has a course on this if he’s interested – his information is solid.

Personally, I have never used video sales letters and I run a multi-figure information marketing business. I’ve done so many hundreds of sales letters now and they work, they really do. I think it all comes down to copy, not “bells and whistles”, so I truly believe you can start with simple letters and focus your time on creating more products, adding a membership or training program, etc. That generates the cash flow, so that’s what really matters.

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