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Xenoarchaeology and Exhumation

An interesting subdiscipline of archeology has emerged called xenoarchaeology. Xenoarchaeology deals with the physical remains of intelligent extraterrestrial cultures. While this concept has often fallen into the hands of science fiction authors, it will no doubt be taken much more seriously as astrophysicists continue to find more and more stars with hospitable planets. It is increasingly accepted that life can thrive in conditions previously thought impossible, further opening up this realm of possibilities.

As early as the 1600s, Johannes Kepler postulated that many lunar landscape features may be artificially constructed by an extraterrestrial intelligence. In the same vein, hiding astronomical suspicions and perhaps passing on hidden inside knowledge, Arthur C. Clarke wrote many science fiction novels postulating the existence of cleverly designed obelisks scattered throughout the solar system. Closer to his death, when his career could not be threatened, Clarke made public statements about his positive belief in the evidence that ancient civilizations existed on Mars. Richard Hoagland currently leads Mission Enterprise which seeks to investigate alien ruins on Earth’s moon Mars, Jupiter’s moon Europa, and more celestial bodies. Erich Von Daniken, beginning in his book Chariot of the Gods and continuing through his massive series, presents alternative interpretations to many of the archaeological finds on this planet that suggest a paleocontact theory of ancient alien astronauts. Many more serious attempts have been and will continue to be made to explore this new avenue of research as mankind’s technological progress increases the reach of human hands and tools.

Artifacts of non-human origin are expected to be found on planets, satellites, in the asteroid belt, or locked in orbit. More advanced and intelligent thinking has led some to search for these artifacts on asteroids that pass through our system or in more peculiar places like Lagrange points. Lagrangian points are places in space near a massive body and its satellites where gravity and centripetal forces cancel each other out for objects of negligible mass. This would allow small objects to rest in a geostationary orbit, where, relative to the planet and its satellites, it does not move. One can reflect and think of many reasons why points in space like these would be advantageous for the location of advanced observation machinery. There are other slightly related attempts to find remains of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. SETI (The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) features an enormous array of satellites hoping to intercept electromagnetic signals from distant cultures. Due to the great distances, any signals received would be from an ancient time, which would qualify SETI as a xenoarchaeological study.

Xenoarchaeology may be a study ahead of its time, currently scoffing at the closed-minded, but the scientific paradigm is shifting as some of Earth’s leading physicists are changing their minds and, as thought leaders, changing the spirit of the times for all. Even the Vatican has issued statements preparing people for the implications of extraterrestrial life for their belief system. Wonder and awe will abound if non-human artifacts are discovered. Total shock may be the alternative if the bodies of extraterrestrial beings are ever exhumed.

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