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Don’t Let The Myths Scare You – Basic Information About Orchids

Orchids are expensive and very difficult to grow. These are the two most prevalent myths, and the following basic information about orchids it will dispel them. Yes, some exotic orchids are really expensive. And so are some wines. And we can still enjoy good, even great wine that costs less than $10. You can also find wines for over $1,000 a bottle.

You can buy orchids from as little as $30. The most expensive I found is the P.rothschildianum (very endangered) from Malaysia which can cost upwards of $5,000. Considering that an orchid can give us beautiful flowers, for many weeks, even months, and year after year, the initial cost of a healthy and beautiful plant probably isn’t what will stop you from buying one.

Myth number two is often what prevents us from acquiring an orchid: orchids are difficult to grow. Growing orchids successfully is no more difficult than growing many other houseplants. You just have to have some basic information about them, such as:

  • Light requirements: The natural environment of orchids ranges from tropical areas to high mountain areas. They often grow in wooded areas, but need a lot of light, mostly diffused or indirect. Direct sunlight will burn its leaves.
  • Soil Specifications: Orchids should be planted in bark, sphagnum moss, or orchid-specific soil that drains easily.
  • Watering Needs: Orchids should be watered only every 5 to 8 days, depending on pot size and soil type. Excessive watering is deadly for them.
  • Ideal temperatures: Orchids thrive in temperatures between 55°F and 80°F, depending on the type. They have a downtime during which they prefer cooler temperatures.
  • Humidity Levels: Orchids love high humidity. If the relative humidity in your home is less than 35%, you should take steps to increase the humidity of your orchids: mist them frequently, place them in a tray of water, and/or gather a few of them together.
  • Fertilizer Addition Frequency: This is probably one of the trickiest parts. Orchids need specific fertilizers. However, the frequency and concentration vary with the seasons and the plants themselves.

Now that I’ve hopefully demystified orchid care, let’s move on to a quick overview of orchid types.

There are two fundamental groups of orchids. Terrestrial orchids grow in soil (terra), such as sphagnum moss or special orchid soil. They have what are called tubercles from which the leaves and flower stalks grow in any direction. Lady’s slippers are an example of terrestrial orchids, as are Cymbidiums.

Epiphytic orchids grow “in the air”, attached to the trunks and branches of trees. No, that doesn’t mean you’ll need a tree in your living room. Growing epiphytic orchids in your home simply means that they are grown on bark-like material in special pots, rather than in soil. It is important that the air can circulate around the roots, as if the plants lived in a tree. Dendrobium and Phalaenopsis orchids are examples.

Orchids have more types and variations than any other plant family: more than 20,000 types and more than 100,000 hybrid combinations. Orchids have the rare ability to crossbreed with other types, often resulting in a stronger plant. Growers are constantly creating new combinations of colors, leaf shapes, or scents by mixing and matching different orchids.

A common and easy-care orchid is the Phalaenopsis, also a moth orchid or Phal. They are often found in garden centers or grocery store flower departments, because they are easy to care for at home or in offices. They have beautiful flowers that can last 2-3 months.

Another favorite to grow at home is Dendrobium. These orchids prefer warmer temperatures and may drop their leaves and flowers if the temperature drops below 60ºF. The Dendrobium is found naturally in places like New Guinea, southern China, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand and is one of the largest orchid species.

Some orchids are also scented, in addition to displaying their flowers in beautiful shapes and colors. No wonder they are favorites at weddings.

The above is only scratching the surface of all the orchid information that is available. I didn’t really know much about orchids until my friend Mark introduced me to them. He helped me start growing my own orchids at home.

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