admin Posted on 4:01 am

Effective Home Remedies for Bad Breath Without Costing You a Penny

Have you spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on ineffective bad breath remedies? Don’t you know that some of the most effective remedies for bad breath can be found at home? Your kitchen and garden are the best source of home remedies for bad breath. The best part is that it’s free!

Poke around in your kitchen, and I’m sure you’ll find a box of baking soda in your kitchen cabinet or in your refrigerator. Baking soda is one of the oldest known remedies for bad odor. It can help to neutralize the unpleasant odor in the mouth. Brushing your teeth with baking soda will give you an odor free mouth.

Your fruit basket also contains some of the best home remedies for bad breath. Avocado, apples, guavas and lemons, among others. Avocado is said to eliminate intestinal decomposition, which is one of the causes of bad odor. Guava is an effective cure for gum problems that contribute to bad odor. It has properties like tannic, malic, oxalic and phosphoric acids which is excellent for teeth and gums. It can also cure bleeding gums. The green guava is the most effective, as well as its tender leaves. Chew on these to help stop the stink.

An apple a day keeps the dentist away! Eating apples every day is good for purifying the mouth as it eliminates the bacteria that cause bad odor. Chewing on an apple after eating helps remove trapped food particles. It also leaves your mouth smelling fresh and clean all day.

In your garden, you will find growing vegetables and herbs. Some of the vegetables and herbs that are great home remedies for bad odor are fenugreek, parsley, alfalfa, cardamom, sage, fennel, and mint.

Fenugreek is said to be the most effective plant for treating bad breath. It can be prepared as a tea by simmering a liter of teaspoon of water and a teaspoon of seeds for 15 minutes. Strain well and drink like any unsweetened tea drink.

Cardamom keeps your mouth smelling fresh. Gargle with a cup of boiled cardamom or chew some in your mouth.

Frequent intake of water hydrates the mouth and removes the buildup of oral bacteria. A dry mouth emits a bad odor. Instead of caffeinated and carbonated drinks, drink water regularly. It’s also healthy!

Among the healthiest and most effective home remedies for bad odor are fresh or raw juices. The good acids in fruit and vegetable juices fight odor-causing bacteria in the mouth. It is always a very healthy and delicious alternative in the treatment of bad odor. Drinking fresh juice regularly is a beneficial treatment for this disorder.

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