admin Posted on 9:38 pm

English bulldog puppies with skin allergies

As spring approaches and we play outside more often and longer, our shorthaired breeds may begin to experience more allergy symptoms. Here’s what to watch out for! English Bulldog puppies can be very prone to skin allergies due to their short, thin coats. They don’t have much fur to protect their skin, leaving them susceptible to irritation from pollen, ragweed, fleas, and other irritants in the soil. English Bulldog puppies are also close to the ground, which allows them to have more contact with these allergens than other breeds.

Skin allergies cause red, swollen patches on your dog’s skin. It can be itchy, painful, and even dry or scaly to the touch. While some skin allergies may not seem like a big deal, for your pup they can be a life-or-death ailment. Due to constant scratching, licking or pawing at the affected site, the skin can become raw, bloody and split open, making it a perfect breeding ground for infections and bacteria such as yeast or MRSA.

If you notice a breakout on your English Bulldog puppy’s skin, call your vet to make sure it’s an allergic reaction and not something more serious. If it’s skin allergies, your vet may send you home with a medicated shampoo or topical ointment to soothe your pup’s itchiness.

To help keep short-haired breeds, like English bulldog puppies, safe, wipe your pup down with a damp cloth each time you return from outside to play or go to the bathroom. This will help remove any allergens that might be clinging to your dog’s fur and skin and will also protect your pup while inside. These allergens are easily transmitted from grass to carpet and cleaning up your pup is just one more way to make home the safest place to be!

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