admin Posted on 12:14 am

Hero of the moment: how to effectively manage the reputation of a company in crisis

So the worst is over. The company whose reputation he manages has entered into crisis. This is a difficult time and how you handle it can either save your company’s reputation or further smear it. Public perception is at its most critical point and every step you take must be carefully thought out. Instead of seeing it as a challenge, see it as an opportunity to create an even better public image for the company you manage, to be the hero of the hour.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re managing a company’s reputation in crisis:

Gather all the facts:

The first thing to do as part of the crisis communication services you provide is to understand the problem that has arisen. Why it happened? What were the factors that led to the crisis? You need to have as much information as possible. This will allow you to analyze the crisis and come up with an effective public relations strategy. Don’t take anything at face value, find out the back story. It can be tremendously tempting to respond to a crisis immediately, but it is vital that you first be fully aware of all aspects of a crisis. It becomes very easy to make assumptions, but keeping a cool head is the only way to fully understand a problem and identify the root of the problem.

Communicate conservatively:

Just because you know all the details of the crisis doesn’t mean they should be shared with everyone. Judge what facts should be presented. Keep all communication relevant, and remember that the more you share, the more you expose yourself to criticism. Keep any message to the public short and to the point. Address the issue, apologize appropriately, clarify what needs to be clarified, but don’t make your message to the public an advertising platform. Let the company’s corrective actions do the talking.

Take responsibility:

Sure, putting a positive spin on a story is part of crisis communication support. But you have to remember that a company in crisis has lost a great deal of trust in the eyes of the public and stakeholders. What you should try to do is build that trust again. Therefore, it is essential that the firm accept the mistakes it has made and apologize. Don’t try to justify the company’s actions, be as honest and direct as you can about it. Don’t make excuses or assumptions about the situation. The blame game will only serve to further weaken the company’s position. Assure stakeholders that the company is doing everything possible to fix the problem. Share some of the planned corrective strategies if you feel it is appropriate.

Approach the crisis with maturity and a cool head and you can always emerge from the situation with the dignity of the company intact and be the ‘hero of the hour’.

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