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What’s the average shelf life of jerky from Jerky of the Month Club?

What’s the average shelf life of jerky from Jerky of the Month Club?

Jerky has a long shelf life, far longer than most other high-protein snacks. The best way to tell if jerky has gone bad is if it smells or tastes funny.

The longevity of jerky depends on several factors. Proper storage extends its life. Oxygen absorbers can be used in zip lock bags and mason jars to eliminate excess oxygen, increasing the shelf life of jerky.

Shelf Life

jerky of the month club is a versatile food that can be enjoyed in a wide range of settings. From a snack while watching a movie with friends, to a healthy lunch at the office, or even as an energy boost when hiking with fellow jerky lovers, this delicious meaty treat has many uses.

When it comes to storing beef jerky, proper packaging is key. If a package is punctured or torn, it can expose the jerky to moisture and heat, which can significantly reduce its shelf life.

To keep your jerky fresh, it’s important to store it in a cool dry place and avoid exposing it to excessive heat or sunlight. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check the expiration or best-by date of your jerky regularly, and discard it after that time has passed. Also, if you notice the texture of your jerky changing from firm to moist or mushy, this is another sign that it has gone bad.


Commercially packaged jerky typically has a shelf life of up to one year, with a “best by” date printed on the packaging. However, once opened, it should be consumed within a week to ensure the freshness of the snack.

Jerky’s longevity is largely dependent on the conditions under which it is stored. Moisture can lead to bacterial growth, while heat speeds up spoilage. It is important to store jerky in a cool, dry place that is out of direct sunlight. Light exposure can accelerate oxidation of the fats in the jerky, leading to rancidity.

Refrigeration can significantly lengthen the lifespan of jerky, although it will still eventually spoil. Freezing is a good option for those who don’t have access to refrigeration but want to extend the shelf life of their snack. However, the freezing process will significantly impact the texture and flavor of the jerky. The resulting jerky is often more chewy than usual and is not as appealing to many consumers.


Jerky that has been properly dried and stored in an airtight container or zip lock bag can last for years in the freezer. To extend this shelf life even more, you can add an oxygen absorber to the bag or jar before storing it in the freezer. Oxygen absorbers help eliminate any existing moisture that could speed up bacteria growth.

Jerky has long been a staple food for many people due to its high protein and low fat content. Its shelf-life and convenient packaging make it an ideal snack for busy lifestyles. Store-bought jerky will last longer because it is processed using modern industrial methods and has more preservatives than homemade jerky. Homemade jerky can last 1-2 months in the pantry and longer in the refrigerator. Jerky that has been cured using a solution like sodium nitrate or Prague powder has an even longer shelf life. Jerky that has not been cured can still last up to one year when stored correctly.


Jerky is a protein-rich, shelf stable snack with a long shelf life. It can be stored at room temperature for months or even years if all moisture is removed during preparation. Most commercial jerky packaging will have a “best-by” date, and this usually indicates that the jerky will last for up to one year unopened.

The container type used to store the jerky will also affect its longevity. Airtight containers such as mason jars and vacuum-sealed bags are ideal, and can extend the shelf life of the jerky considerably. Resealable ziplock bags can also be used, though they should be sealed as tightly as possible to minimize contact with air and moisture.

It’s important to note that jerky does not spoil like normal cooked meat. Jerky that has gone bad will often have a musty or rancid odor, and it may lose its texture and flavor. If a piece of jerky has lost its taste or is moldy, it should not be eaten.

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