admin Posted on 10:29 pm

How to use Reiki to lose weight in a week

Practicing Reiki is very easy. Reiki meditation does not affect your health and even makes your body healthier. Reiki is also an exercise that improves blood circulation and can be easily done anywhere, regardless of time and place. Anyone can use Reiki to heal themselves.

Below are some suggested steps.

Before you want to start Reiki meditation, take a minute and clear your mind while breathing slowly. Establish in your mind how much weight you want to lose and the duration in which you want to see the results. For example, you want to reduce your body weight by 5 kg in a week. Tell yourself repeatedly that I need to lose 10 pounds of weight this week and I feel good right now. Say it over and over again until the Reiki meditation stops.

Find a comfortable spot and sit in a chair. Stay calm. Put your palms together and prepare to receive the Reiki energy. Within a few minutes you can feel the sensation of energy on the surface of the skin of your hands. If you feel the sensation, the weight loss process is taking place. Let the process happen for about 5 to 10 minutes. After that, you can separate the palms of your hands and automatically the Reiki process will stop. You can repeat Reiki meditation for weight loss at least twice a day. Be sure to record your weight mass from time to time.

Imagine that during meditation, Reiki energy enters from your head and travels through your body to burn unused fat and cholesterol. I bet you will get amazing results.

Things to avoid during the Reiki weight loss healing process.

Avoid wearing silver jewelry or a watch when performing Reiki. Silver or metal material does not affect your health but can absorb Reiki energy. Make sure you’re not wearing them.

Do not take a shower immediately after the Reiki healing process. Water can quickly remove Reiki energy. Wait about 1-2 hours before going to the bathroom to allow the body to fully absorb the Reiki energy first.

Drink plenty of water during this weight loss process. Feel free to email me if you want to know more about self-healing using Reiki.

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