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Nurturing for sustainable business success

What is your job as a business owner?

In essence, it is making money; Regardless of anything else, the basic job of a business is to make a profit. Period. For those of us who really want to make a difference, this can be hard to remember/focus on.

It used to be that we put up a sales page, send out a few emails, and POOF! paying customers.

Something like when we went to buy a car. The salesperson was our main source of information: he would ask what we were interested in and then share the details of that particular vehicle. If we liked what we heard and saw, we bought.

The time has changed.

Most of today’s car buyers know as much, if not more, about the vehicle they are interested in as the seller. The Internet has made it possible for us to obtain information on almost any subject in a matter of minutes.

How does this affect you and your business?

If you’re still doing business like the salesperson of old, waiting for leads to show up, ask a few questions, and buy, you’re in trouble.

The business, and every sale within, has become a marathon, not a sprint. It is important to consistently provide value, relevant value specific to the needs of your ideal clients in order to become a trusted authority and someone they will invest with.

When was the last time you provided value? Good enough value for people to pay for it:

  • template
  • White paper
  • e-course or training
  • webcast/telecast

It goes far beyond simple articles and tips. He wants to be known as the expert in his field: the business that provides its customers with things that others can’t or won’t.

A few examples from the non-coaching/consulting world to demonstrate how any company can incorporate a nurturing attitude and presence:

  • A local Hallmark store has gone way beyond cards to bring unique gifts and deals to send to you. Because of her active presence on social media, she has brought in clients from many outskirts of our small town.
  • A local chiropractor uses his Facebook page to educate us on how to maintain a healthy back. I’ve never promoted your service, but we always know it’s there, and where else would you go if you needed a chiropractor?
  • A house painter who regularly sends postcards with advice on painting, cleaning different types of painted walls, etc. and offers a free checklist on what to look for when hiring a painter for your home. Again, he’s not soliciting the sale, but rather providing relevant and helpful information so that when it’s time to paint your house, he’s the guy to reach out to.

If you want to be known as the *go to* person in your industry, you’ll need to spend time nurturing your prospects with informative content. Show them, don’t tell them, that you understand their needs and how to solve their problems.

my order for you

Your potential customers need help. You know it and they know it.

With technology, it is very easy to nurture and follow up with your prospects.

What information, advice, services have you recently provided to show that you are the person who will give them that help?

Practice Extreme Client Care™ before they become paying customers:

  • Forward magazine articles/blog posts to those you think will benefit
  • Spend an hour or two a week creating videos, whitepapers, eCourses, checklists, templates—anything your prospects (and clients) will benefit from.
  • Choose one article each month to share with your ideal prospects, something you provide at no cost or promotion.

Do these things, do them consistently, do them well, and watch the income take care of itself.

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