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The natural dog nose is super sensitive. Why Dog Whiff?

When I watch our dog, Eby, sniffing around the garden around my house, I sometimes try to imagine what he’s smelling. He’s like a shopaholic at a rummage sale, he sniffs anything and everything that comes his way. And just about every dog ​​I’ve ever met knows that the best way to find out and get their favorite thing out is through their nose.

From the moment they are born, dogs have a wonderful sense of smell. Even though newborn pups can’t see, they can still detect her mother’s scent and heat and easily locate her! Their sense of smell improves as they grow and develop to such an extent that some say it is up to a million times better than that of humans.

A dog’s sense of smell is so keen because dogs have at least 25 times more olfactory receptors than humans. Your nose can even distinguish between cheese, meat, and ketchup on a cheeseburger. That’s why they are considered man’s best friends, some of them are trained, working side by side with humans to recover survivors under the rubble, drug tracking and even land mine detection work. There are many sniffer dogs who dedicate their lives to serious work, such as tracking down escaping criminals or missing (or drowning) people for the police. Dogs can effectively identify bombs, firearms, and drugs by sniffing for small traces of scent at international borders and at airports. They are loyal companions in the fight against crime, performing difficult tasks as only our best friends can!

Dogs can detect and distinguish scent in 2 ways, by a scent in the air left behind by something that just happened or by a scent on the ground. Puppies and adult dogs use their sense of smell to communicate with each other. With their nose, they can read the messages that other dogs have left. His way of shaking hands or introducing himself is by smelling.

The length of a dog’s muzzle can affect its ability to smell. Dogs with longer noses have more scent receptor cells. Even short-nosed dogs can smell hundreds of times better than a human.

Nasal nutrition for your dog

Remember that as a dog ages, he loses some or all of his ability to smell. It can also be a sign of immune problems if a dog’s nose is normally black, but begins to lose pigment; take him to the vet.

Make sure your dog continues to eat and drink when he has any sort of nasal problem; remember that most of a dog’s ability to “taste” food resides in his nose, and if he can’t smell the food, he may not want to eat it. Also, even a mild fever will quickly dehydrate a sick animal, and if you can’t get him to drink at home, consider a visit to the vet for fluids. Older animals may need to be tempted to eat, and some seem to find spicy foods more palatable. A healthy diet is recommended to improve the overall sense of the nose and overall health. The best “nourishment” we can give a dog’s nose is a daily dose of natural odorants, generated from nature, the perfect way to build up the reserve of sensory cells and smell-related brain connections.

Your dog’s sense of smell is a powerful and useful tool for the animal. Basically, their sniffing and sniffing ways are simply a part of their nature.

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