admin Posted on 7:13 am

True leaders go beyond their job description

In the workplace, we tend to define ourselves based on job titles and descriptions. Your title states what you do, what you are in charge of, what your responsibilities are, and also what is outside your purview. Your job title defines what you should do and what, frankly, is none of your business; It lets you know when you’re meeting your obligations, and perhaps when you’re really going the extra mile.

But what if we didn’t have job titles?

What if you arrive at work one day and there is no longer any hierarchy, or way to categorize the members of your team? Would it be disastrous? Would it mean that work would come to a halt or that people would do whatever it took to make the team successful, regardless of whether it was really “their responsibility” or not?

I’m not saying this is the way things should be. Positions and hierarchies serve useful functions to coordinate the office and facilitate delegation and project management. However, your response to this hypothetical scenario may be revealing. It can tell a lot about your propensity for real leadership.

Real leadership means understanding your job description and the descriptions of everyone on your team, but it also means not being tied by those descriptions. Leadership is not about just doing what is part of your job description. It’s about doing anything and everything you can do to get your team members to a place where they can be successful and making sure everyone works together to achieve the team’s goals.

True leaders know that job descriptions can be helpful, but they don’t tell the full story of their team members and their unique talents. You may have someone whose job title technically involves sales and customer service, but what if that person is also an extraordinarily talented writer? Allowing that team member to write a few company blog posts will go a long way for the entire team and will also help that team member feel respected, affirmed, and appreciated. It’s a win for all parties, but to tap into that potential, you need to get to know your team members. beyond just their job titles.

And by the way: you also need to know your own strengths and weaknesses beyond what your job description implies. Leaders are willing to seriously evaluate and evaluate themselves and to know where to participate and where to delegate. This may mean coloring outside the lines of your official, formal job description, and if you do, so be it.

Leadership means understanding your team, its members, and their goals, including but not limited to the titles people hold.

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