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What to do immediately after a car accident

Did you know that there are more than six million car accidents in the United States every year? Fortunately, in most cases, car accidents only result in property damage, but in one in three cases, car accidents also result in personal injury.

Even if you have never been in an accident before or if you don’t drive your car very often, there is always the chance that you could be involved in an accident through no fault of your own. By knowing the steps you need to take after a car accident, you’ll be better prepared to protect yourself and your passengers from injury and know what you need to do to protect yourself against unfair claims.

These are the steps you should take if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a traffic accident:

stop your vehicle

Whenever you are involved in a car accident, no matter how minor, you should always pull over. Never leave the scene of an accident without stopping.

make the scene safe

One of the first things you will need to do is make sure that no one has been hurt and that the scene of the accident is as safe as possible. To avoid the danger of a new collision, place flares or warning lights around parked vehicles and turn on hazard warning lights. If you are on a busy highway, stay clear of fast-approaching traffic.

Call the emergency services

It is advisable to notify the police of an accident, even if there are no serious injuries. If there are injuries or there is a fire, the ambulance and fire services should also be notified. It is a good idea to notify the police, even if it is a minor accident, because you will need a police report to file your insurance claim. If possible, vehicles should not move before the police arrive.

Make a complete record of the accident

When the police arrive it is important that you give them an accurate record of what has happened. If you are unsure about any of the details, be honest about it, don’t try to speculate or make assumptions. If you are asked if you are injured, it is better to say that you are not sure, rather than say no, because some car accident injuries only show up later. If there are third-party witnesses to the accident, you should ask them to wait for the police to arrive so they can testify.

Take photos

If there is damage to your vehicle, take pictures of that damage. You should also take pictures of any damage to other vehicles. If you have visible injuries, take pictures of that too. Unfortunately, there are people who claim that much more damage was done to their vehicle than was actually done. A photograph will allow you to dispute a false claim against your insurance. While it is important to make a record of the accident, you should not, of course, interfere with the work of the emergency services and the police while doing so.

Exchange details with the other party

If the police attend the scene of a car accident, they will take all the details of those involved in the accident and any witnesses. If the police do not show up, you should get the names and addresses of everyone involved, including passengers and witnesses. You should also exchange insurance details with the drivers of the other vehicles involved. If the police are present, the police must provide you with a police report number. This will allow you to obtain a copy of the police report on the accident. If the accident occurred on a state highway, you are legally required to report the incident to the police.

Get a medical checkup

Even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt, it’s still a good idea to get a medical checkup as soon as possible after a car accident. Injuries caused by car accidents are often not noticed until several days later. Even low-speed impacts can cause spinal damage, and if you felt lightheaded from the accident, you may have suffered a mild concussion.

Save all the paperwork

Keep all documentation you have related to the accident in a file. This should include all correspondence, your insurance claim number, details of the claims adjuster handling the claim, and the names and phone numbers of everyone involved in the case. You should also keep all receipts for any expenses you incur as a result of the accident, including car repairs, medical costs, and the cost of renting a car, if necessary.

seek legal advice

It is wise to contact an attorney immediately when you have been in a car accident. A good lawyer will help you protect his rights by advising him on how to make sure evidence is not destroyed and by advising him on preparing his statement for his insurance company. They will also help make sure he receives proper compensation for a car accident and receives the best medical treatment.

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