admin Posted on 5:10 pm

3 great ways to help rebuild trust in a relationship

A relationship in which trust is healthy is satisfying. Once it has been broken, steps must be taken to rebuild it, otherwise you will end up resenting your partner and the relationship will turn into a disaster or denial.

Confidence doesn’t appear out of nowhere, it develops gradually over time. It depends on the following factors: reliability, consistency of actions, words and behavior, truth, honesty and confidentiality.

If your trust has been broken

You need to allow time to heal the wounds of the problem that is at the center of the broken trust. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page and that you are both dedicated to making this work.

Here are 3 ways to help you rebuild your confidence after it has been broken:

1. Seek support

Find a trusted friend, support person, or therapist who can help you embark on the journey of healing. If you’ve been betrayed, you need to be able to talk about all the feelings that bother you. You may feel confused, angry, sad, etc. Give yourself the time you need to heal.

2. Be clear

Honestly ask yourself what you need right now and communicate it. You may need time alone or want to see a mediator or therapist with your partner. Whatever it is, talk about it with your partner.

3. Give it time

Trusting again takes time; allow him to take what he needs and do not rush into things that he is not comfortable with.

If you have broken trust

In the same way that you built it the first time in this relationship, you will need to spend time and do things to rebuild it again, however, this time you are not coming from scratch and you need to prove that you are worthy. that they trust again.

Here are 3 ways to help rebuild trust if you’ve broken someone’s trust:

1. make a commitment

As stated above, a commitment from both partners is the basis for restoring trust. Be mindful of promising only what you can deliver and following through with your actions.

2. Be honest

Lying or omitting important details has caused the problem in the first place. Although you may fear the consequences of leaving it all on the table, leaving it to be discovered later is more damaging.

3. Allow your partner’s doubt

Hopefully, your partner is unsure of your attempt to reestablish the relationship of trust. Don’t rush them to ‘get over it’, but allow them to gently gain faith in you.

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